Teen Art Mentorship 8/12-8/15

Monday August 12

3:30 PM  –  5:30 PM

Summer Teen Artist Mentorship w/Sarah Alexander (7th-12th grade)

Perfect for teen artists! In this 4-day afternoon program (Monday-Thursday) we will allow students to work independently on projects of their choosing with the availability of a professional artist and instructor to help them find their creative voices. Students will learn how to cultivate ideas into artwork, and participate in group discussions learning how to benefit from positive critique sessions. This class is recommended for independent minded teens who have their own style and projects they wish to continue to make in a supportive group setting.

Instructor: Sarah Alexander
HCA will provide all in classroom materials. A material list is available for students who would like to work outside of class.

Grade: 7th-12th 
Class Day: Monday-Thursday
Time: 3:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Number of Classes: 4

Drop-off: 3:30 p.m..
Pick-up: 5:30 p.m. (Pickups after 5:30pm will incur a fee of $10 for the first 15 minutes and $5 a minute after that.)

What to bring

  • 1 Snack–no nut products 

  • Reusable water bottle with your child’s name on it

  • Wear clothes that are comfortable and washable

  • Sunglasses, sunscreen, and bug spray

HCA Policies to review

Scholarships: The HCA believes the arts are for everyone and thanks to the generosity of The Sandra Delbridge Scholarship Fund and individual donations to our scholarship fund we are able to assist children, teens, and adults who might not otherwise be able to afford classes. Assistance is awarded on the basis of demonstrated need, motivation, and potential benefit to the student. Apply for a scholarship here.

Waiting List: Is this class sold out?!?! Please add your name to our waitlist here.


HCA Policies: Please review the HCA Student Policies and Procedures on our website here.

  • Injury Waiver: In registering for classes you are required to agree to the HCA injury waiver
  • Photo Release Agreement: You have the ability to agree to the HCA's Photo Release Agreement during the registration process.
  • Waiting List: If this class is sold out it will say so below and will not allow you to register. If this is the case, please add your name to our waitlist here.
  • Scholarships: The HCA believes the arts are for everyone and thanks to the generosity of The Sandra Delbridge Scholarship Fund and individual donations to our scholarship fund we are able to assist children, teens, and adults who might not otherwise be able to afford classes. Assistance is awarded on the basis of demonstrated need, motivation, and potential benefit to the student. Apply for a scholarship here.


MEMBERS SAVE ON CLASSES: Your membership helps the HCA change lives of artists and art-lovers through its nurturing faculty, state-of-the-art facility, and need-based scholarship program. That is why we are pleased to offer 5% off class costs to HCA Members from the Insider–Plus LEVEL and up. In order for your membership discount to be applied to your order, please log into your account at the top of this page. Once logged in, your membership level discounts will be reflected in your cart at check out.
