Filmmaking Fun (8/4–8/8)

Monday August 4

Other dates...

9:00 AM  –  3:00 PM

In a small group setting, discover what goes into creating and filming a story from storyboarding, to "Action", and "That's a Wrap"! Get hands-on experience and work as a team to write a story of the group's choosing before getting into the filmmaking process of directing and acting.

Each week will begin with a warm-up on day one, creating a commercial to familiarize everyone with the process. There is a role for everyone, whether you want to jump in front of the camera or focus behind-the-scenes. Returning filmmakers will expand on their skills! Working with professional camcorders we'll film either on-location or using a green screen. As time allows, the instructor will demonstrate the editing process with input from the participants on the creative decisions and direction of the edits. 

The week ends with a premier of the commercial and a sneak peek of the completed production. A link to the final edited project(s) will be provided by the end of the summer.

Grades: 7–9
Sara Fitzpatrick
Week 6: August 4–8
Location: 98 Hayden Rowe Street
Program Time: 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Drop-off: Between 8:45–9 a.m.
Pick-up: Between 3–3:15 p.m. 
Late Pickups: Incur a fee of $10 for the first 15 minutes and $5 a minute after that.
Materials: All materials will be provided, but each participant should bring: 

  • 2 snack(s) (no nuts please) 
  • Lunch (no nuts please)
  • A reusable water bottle with your child's name on it
  • Sunglasses, sunscreen (non-spray) and bug spray (optional)
  • Wear clothes that are comfortable and washable

HCA Policies to review

Scholarships: The HCA believes the arts are for everyone. Thanks to the generosity of the Dora Kishabay Garabedian Scholarship Fund and individual donations to our scholarship fund, we can assist children, teens, and adults who might not otherwise be able to afford classes. Assistance is awarded based on demonstrated need, motivation, and potential benefit to the student. Apply for a scholarship here.

Waiting List: Is this class sold out?!?! Please add your name to our waitlist here.

MEMBERS SAVE ON CLASSES: Your membership helps the HCA change the lives of artists and art lovers through its nurturing faculty, state-of-the-art facility, and need-based scholarship program. We are pleased to offer 5% off class costs to HCA Members from the Insider–Plus LEVEL and up.

To apply your membership discount to your order, please log into your account at the top of this page. Once logged in, your membership level discounts will be reflected in your cart at checkout.
